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Bookmarks: How to Print, Share, and Alphabetize Bookmarks and Favorites

Printing Bookmarks

Printing Netscape Bookmarks or Internet Explorer Favorites files, while not quite as simple as pressing a button, still can be accomplished fairly easily, as can sharing Bookmarks and Favorites between computers. The following instructions cover printing and sharing Bookmarks and Favorites.

As an added bonus, at the end of these instructions you'll find the steps necessary for alphabetizing Internet Explorer Favorites.

To print your Favorites list in Internet Explorer 5.x:

1. Click File > Import and Export. This will display the Import/Export Wizard.

2. Click Next.

3. Choose an action to perform: Select "Export Favorites."

4. Click Next.

5. Select which folder you want to export from: Select "Favorites" if it's not already selected.

6. Click Next.

7. Export to a File or Address: Type in C:\FAVLST.HTM. Hint: You can name this file anything you wish, including MRMODEMSINSTRUCTIONSFORPRINTINGMYFAVORITES.HTM, but that might be a little long.)

8. Click Next, then click Finish to export your Favorites to C:\FAVLST.HTM.

9. When the Successfully Exported Favorites message appears click OK and exit Internet Explorer. Note: It may take a couple of seconds after you click Finish for the exporting to be successfully completed.

10. Launch Windows Explorer by clicking Start > Programs > Windows Explorer, and navigate to C:\FAVLST.HTM.

11. Double-click the C:\FAVLST.HTM file. This will display (using Internet Explorer automatically) the list of your Favorites in HTML (Web page) format.

12. On the Internet Explorer File menu, click Print.

13. Place a check mark in the "Print Table of Links" box if you want the URL of each link to be printed. Note: Printing URLs may or may not work. It works with some systems, but not all.

14. Press OK.

15. Enjoy your printed list of Favorites.

To print your Netscape Bookmarks list:

Click Bookmarks > Edit bookmarks > File > Save As, and save the bookmark file (bookmark.htm) to the folder of your choice.

You have two options at this point: You can save your bookmarks file as .html (Web page format) if you want a nice clean document, or you can save it as a text (.txt) file. If you save it as a .txt file, you'll be able to retrieve more information such as html tagging, add and visit dates, etc.

The good news is that it’s nice to have the ability to add this extra information. The bad news is that doing so really makes the printed list cluttered. It’s up to you, though, or try both formats and decide which you like best.

Once you've saved your bookmark file, open it as you would other documents from Netscape by clicking File > Open Page > Choose File, then navigate to the file you just saved.

Print by clicking File > Print.

Here’s another way to print your Netscape bookmarks:

Click Bookmarks > Edit Bookmarks.

Click to select the first entry, then holding down the Shift key, move your cursor to the last entry in the list to select all your bookmarks.

Right-click and select COPY or press CTRL + C to copy all your selected bookmarks to the Windows clipboard.

Next, open your e-mail program and address an e-mail to yourself.

In the body of the e-mail, right-click and select PASTE or press CTRL + V, and paste your bookmarks into the e-mail and send it to yourself.

When you retrieve your e-mail, the message containing your bookmarks can then be printed or otherwise saved.

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Sharing Bookmarks and Favorites

If you use Internet Explorer on several computers, you can easily share Favorites between computers by importing them. As an aside, if you use both Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, you can keep your Favorites and Bookmarks up-to-date with each other by importing them between programs or computers.

To import Bookmarks or Favorites, click the File menu, then click Import and Export.

To export Favorites to Bookmarks or Favorites on the same or another computer, click the File menu, then click Import and Export.

Exported Favorites are saved as a regular HTML file, so either Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator can import them. You can export a selected folder within your Favorites list or all of your Favorites in one fell swoop.

The Exported Favorites file is fairly small, so you can copy it to a floppy disk or attach it to an email message if you want to share your Favorites with other people or send it to another one of your computers, rather than copying it via disk.

That's the process: Just EXPORT from your old computer, then IMPORT into your new computer.


Sort Internet Explorer Favorites Alphabetically:

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. Open the Favorites menu (from the toolbar, not the Favorites button)

3. Right-click on any Favorites folder or within your list of Favorites.

4. Choose Sort by Name.

You'll see that the Favorites are now displayed from A to Z.

The ability to sort bookmarks alphabetically within Netscape does not exist, unfortunately.

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