Mr. Modem’s columns appear in the following publications:
- Access Magazine
- Across the Board (New Jersey)
- Ad Infinitum (Illinois)
- American Society of Women Accountants
- Apollo New-Record (Pennsylvania)
- Arroyo Seco Journal, The (California)
- ArizoNotes (Arizona)
- Arizona Alliance of Computer Clubs
- Arizona Society for Computer Information, Inc. (Arizona)
- Atlanta Constitution (Georgia)
- Behind the Eighth (Kansas)
- Best Times (Tennessee)
- Best Years Beacon (Colorado)
- Bits & Bytes (Florida)
- Blue Chip News (Michigan)
- Buckeye Record, The (Ohio)
- Buttermilk Falls Newspapers (Pennsylvania)
- Bytesize News (Arizona)
- Caligrams (California)
- CASELines (Ontario, Canada)
- Catasauqua Press (Pennsylvania)
- Cincinnati PC Users Group (Ohio)
- Circuit Rider, The (United States Court Reporting Association)
- Compudale Computer Club (Canada)
- Computer Booters (Arizona)
- Computer Buyer Magazine (Arizona)
- Computer Club of Sun City (Arizona)
- ConnVerses (Connecticut)
- Davis Island News (Florida)
- DCRA Journal (Texas)
- Dreamland Computer Club (Arizona)
- Duplin Times, The (North Carolina)
- East Haven Courier (Connecticut)
- East Penn Press (Pennsylvania)
- East Valley Tribune (Arizona)
- E-Vade Mecum (Alberta, Canada)
- EV Living (Arizona)
- 50 Plus! (Ohio)
- Fifty Plus (Virginia)
- Fifty Plus (North Carolina)
- Florida Reporter (Florida)
- Four Parks Seniors Computer Club (Arizona)
- Four Rivers Senior Journal (Iowa)
- Gadsden Times (Alabama)
- G.E. Center for Financial Learning
- Germantown Courier (Pennsylvania)
- Grand Computers (Arizona)
- Granite Notes (New Hampshire)
- Groton Times (Connecticut)
- Guildford Courier (Connecticut)
- Happy Trails Computer Club (Arizona)
- Harbor News (Connecticut)
- Help File, Milwaukee Home Users Group (Wisconsin)
- Ho'omua (Hawaii)
- Hoosier Reporter (Indiana)
- In Brief (Oregon)
- Inside the Eighth (Kansas)
- Jewish Journal (Ohio)
- Journal of Court Reporting (Virginia)
- Kansas Reporter (Kansas)
- Lake Henry Keystrokes (Florida)
- Lake Monticello Computer Users Group (Virginia)
- Leechburg Advance (Pennsylvania)
- Legal Support Journal (Florida)
- Lovin’ Life (Arizona and Nevada)
- Luminaria, The (New Mexico)
- Lyme Times (Connecticut)
- Making Bread Magazine
- Maryland Journal of Reporting (Maryland)
- Mature Citizen (Michigan)
- Mature Lifestyles (Wisconsin)
- Mature Times (Wisconsin)
- MCRA Progress (Missouri)
- Mississippi Court Reporters Association (Mississippi)
- Moffat County Morning News (Colorado)
- Montana Nugget (Montana)
- Montana Senior News (Montana)
- Montville Times (Connecticut)
- Moon Valley Tattler (Arizona)
- Mountain View, The (Tennessee)
- MS Strokes (Mississippi)
- Mt. Airy Times Express (Pennsylvania)
- Mystic Times (Connecticut)
- National Verbatim Reporters Association New London Times (Connecticut)
- Newscache (Advantage Software)
- News and Views for the Young at Heart (Illinois)
- Next Age Magazine Northwestern Press (Pennsylvania)
- Northhampton Press (Pennsylvania)
- North Haven Courier (Connecticut)
- NVRA Verbatim Record Outline, The (Pennsylvania)
- Paradise Post (California)
- Parkland Press (Pennsylvania)
- Prime Living (Virginia)
- Prime Time (New Mexico)
- Progress, The (Missouri)
- Reader’s Digest New Choices Magazine
- Record Times (Michigan)
- Reporter Digest (Kentucky)
- Reporter, The (Ontario, Canada)
- Rochester Computer Society (New York)
- Salisbury Press (Pennsylvania)
- Senior Beacon (New Hampshire)
- Senior Circuit (Missouri)
- Senior Connection (California)
- Senior News (Chicago)
- Senior News (Ohio and West Virginia)
- Senior Wire News Service (Colorado)
- Short Strokes (Georgia)
- Smart Computing Magazine
- SMUG Journal (National Software Users Group)
- Sooner Outline (Oklahoma)
- Sound, The (Connecticut)
- Source, The (Connecticut)
- South Carolina Reporter (South Carolina)
- Space Coast PC Journal (Florida)
- Star-Dot-Star (Professional Journal)
- Stonington Times (Connecticut)
- STS News (North Carolina)
- Sunland Village East Computer Club (Arizona)
- Mountain Eagle, The (Kentucky)
- Tatum Sun Times (Arizona)
- Themes River Times (Connecticut)
- Third Age (Washington)
- Thurston-Mason Senior News (Oregon)
- Transcript, The (New York)
- Transkript, The (North Carolina)
- Twister, The (Kansas)
- Valley Courier (Connecticut)
- Vandergrift News (Pennsylvania)
- Vandergift-Kiskiminetas News (Pennsylvania)
- Virginia Reporter (Virginia)
- Vistoso Computer Club (Arizona)
- Voice, The
- Volunteer, The (Tennessee)
- Washington Reporter, The (Washington)
- Waterford Times, The (Connecticut)
- Westerly Times (Connecticut)
- Whitehall-Coplay Press (Pennsylvania)
- Wisconsin Reporter (Wisconsin)
- WSR Journal (Washington)
- Xtra! (Professional Journal)